Generally tickets will be shipped within 4 days of your purchase unless the on hand date differs on the tickets you have chosen to purchase. The on hand dates are listed on almost all tickets now. If you do not see a date, assume that they are in hand and ready to be shipped out immediately. Tickets are almost all sent out with UPS to assure prompt delivery.
We permit this on many events, however, you may be asked to provide further identification to have the tickets shipped promptly.
You will receive the tracking number quickly after your ticket order has been accepted by the seller. This will not be the case 100% of the time. In some situations the supplier will use email, local office pickup, or will call. This will be explained to the customer upon checkout.
Yes. We will deliver up to the very time of the event. This can happen through many different channels but mainly email, local pickup, or will call. We assure you that you can purchase at any time and will still get the same great tickets and service.
Many times we will provide customers with paper tickets as a more efficient means to pass the savings along to our customers. The barcodes are the same as tickets you may have seen in the past. These are 100% authentic and are becoming a big part of our industry.
Many times we will upgrade customers to slightly better tickets if they become available shortly after the order. This is done as a perk to doing business with EVO Demo.
EVO Demo only sells 100% authentic tickets. We give a 100% guarantee to stand behind our outstanding service.